Nonvoters: America’s No-Shows [Paperback]
This book addresses the issue of why 51.2% of the population of the USA failed to vote in the November 1996 presidential election. Through polls and studies conducted in the spring and summer of 1996, the contributors set out to answer the following questions: what were the 51.2 percent doing that day? Who are they? Why didn’t they vote?
The results are summarized into five types of nonvoters: doers, unplugged, irritable, don’t knows and alienated.
USA Today Story
Poll: Non-voters say make process easier
From the swamped to the skeptical, a look at non-voters
A poll of Americans who didn’t vote in the 2012 elections finds six distinct groups of non-voters, defined by the reasons they didn’t vote and what might encourage them to do so. For each category, we interviewed someone to discuss the issue in his or her own words. To read more, go to
Newsfactor December 17, 2012
Online Balloting Could Attract Millions to Polls
The online poll of 1,170 non-voters was taken Nov. 7-19 in conjunction with research by Northwestern University professor Ellen Shearer. December 17, 2012
In-depth survey compares nonvoters to voters
“After investigating the behaviors and opinions of nonvoters versus voters and comparing them in terms of demography and attitudes, we also identified six subgroups of nonvoters,” said Ellen Shearer, professor of journalism at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications.
Center for the Study of the American Electorate
The Center for the Study of the American Electorate (CSAE) publish reports every biennium on voter participation in the Presidential primary, non-Presidential primary, Presidential election and more. Previously known as the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, the organization produced studies and surveys on issues involving voters and nonvoters.
Voter Participation Center
Formerly known as Women’s Voices, the Voter Participation Center (VPC) provides programs to increase voter turnout and engagement. The VPC also offers additional information on nonvoter demographics and statistics.
Pew Research Center:
The Latino Electorate in 2010: More Voters, more Non-Voters-
The Party of Nonvoters-
Nonvoters: Who They Are, What They Think-
What Voters Know about Campaign 2012-
Voters and Nonvoters Differ on Key Policies-
The California Voter Foundation
The California Voter Foundation (CVF) focuses on voter participation in California, and offers resources, information and publications on state voter turnout.
United States Election Project: Voter Turnout
The United States Election Project provides information not the U.S. electorate with statistics, electoral laws, research reports and more.
U.S. News on NBC News:
Nonvoters: They’re too busy, fed up or say their vote doesn’t count
An article on the November 2012 election and those who did not participate
Anti-voting Resources
A website dedicated to people actively against voting, including resources, additional websites and other sources of encouragement for nonvoters
United States Census Bureau- Voting and Registration
The U.S. Census Bureau logs information on voting and registration across the nation through a monthly survey.
A report from the Census Bureau on Americans who do not vote
FairVote: The Center for Voting and Democracy
FairVote works to increase voter turnout and engagement, as well as fair representation in the U.S. government. The organization conducts research and creates proposals for election and reform.