Nonvoter Survey Report 2012

2012 Non Voter Survey REPORT (pdf download)

2012 Nonvoter Survey REPORT Continue reading

2012 Survey Methodology

Results of the Medill News Service/Ipsos survey are based on online interviews conducted November 7-19, 2012 among a sample of 1,686 American citizens aged 18 and older residing in the United States, including 516 who voted in the recent Presidential Continue reading

2012 Nonvoter Survey Topline

Survey of Voters and Nonvoters TOPLINE RESULTS November 2012 These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted from Nov. 7-19, 2012. For the survey, a sample of 1,686 Americans ages 18+ was interviewed online, including 516 who voted in the Continue reading

Nonvoters in America 2012

Summary Report 12-13-12 (pdf download)

Summary Report 12-13-12 Continue reading